
Showing posts from May 14, 2017


5/5- Drove into downtown Ann Arbor MI. It is another rainy day 😢 which is not much fun but luckily Ann Arbor has a great hands on museum for kids. We spent a couple of hours there and then hit a local place called Fritabatidos (Cuban street burgers) for a late lunch. Next off to Mooville a dairy farm we found through Harvest Host. After a brief detour (Zoë forgot our backpack at our lunch destination) we arrived at Mooville at 6pm. We were greeted warmly by our host Troy and given a tour of the creamery. We then did a self guided tour of the barn; ate a picnic dinner and of course got some Mooville ice cream for dessert. The ice cream was amazing. Finn got cotton candy flavor and it tasted just like the real thing. After another hard night with Finn being sick we woke up to cows playing right outside our window. This made us all smile and certainly was cool to watch cows frolicking . After taking a little time in the morning to let Finn and Ailish play in

Oh Canada

5/1 crossing the boarder (F and A's first trip outside the USA. Crossed @ 9:22 am).  🇨🇦  We are on our way to drop off our RV to Roadtrek in Kitchener ON to finally be fixed (hopefully)!   Stayed in Kitchener Ontario for three nights. We hung out at the hotel, swam, watched cable and ate a really good steak meal. We had the obligatory Tim Hortons and FaceTimed with friends and family.  We also disproved the theory that all Canadians are super nice (met some really grumpy ones in Kitchener). Our RV was at the Roadtrek Manufacturer being fixed during this time. They did right by us they fixed our major problems and even fixed the damage Dan did to the body of the van the first day we got it 😄. Roadtrek even covered our hotel stay we cannot say enough good things about them right now. The afternoon on 5/4 we hit the road again. Plan is back  to the States until we cross to Alaska .  Made it to Michigan the same evening where we slept at a rest stop. We all h